Deletion of post ?

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Post by mustang »

Recently, I made a post on my experiences with my new GPS. Today however, I found my post removed??? I would appreciate being advised, asked, or otherwise notified if my posts are not to be valued.

I respectfully request an answer from you on this matter.

Yours truly,
W.Peter Marshall
Peter Marshall
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Post by Spike »

Peter, we did not remove your post. As a matter of fact I enjoyed your post. We suffered a major hard drive failure ealier this week and lost 2 or 3 days worth of postings. That is my fault in that I didnt have a current snapshot of the database when the drive went south. It turns out that this was also the reason we had problems last week. See this post here.

I am sorry for the inconvienence, we have new hardware here and are building up a new server (complete with RAID 1) to move forward with. Please do not assume the worst though, removing posts that fall in line with the usage policies (as yours did) is *not* what we are about.

If by some chance you feel the desire to repost your information it would be greatly appreciated.

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Post by svanarts »

I was not able to fly today because of low scud. I respectfully request and answer from you why these clouds were in my area. I await your answer sir.

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Post by svanarts »

svanarts wrote:I was not able to fly today because of low scud. I respectfully request and answer from you why these clouds were in my area. I await your answer sir.
Oh yes. I almost posting was complete and unadulterated
We now return you to your forum.


Post by Guest »

the fastest rivet gun in the West???

And he's a little quick to be offended too. Don't jump the gun so quickly, especially after Spike and Patty suffered a major malfunction.

And Svanarts, that was a good one.

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Post by captain_john »

Scott, That is HARSH!

I expect you would be equally (if not more) harsh with me in the future!

Man, Whatta TOUGH CROWD!

That's what I like about this place. Nothing is too serious.

Peter, I caught your post and really enjoyed it as well. However, I scanned it and figured I could come back to it and read it later... but no.

Could you please post it again?

You probably missed my story about my trip around Cape Cod 2 weeks ago, when I flew over the Mayflower II returning to home port. It was wiped out too. I am bummed.


I had one of the MOST FUN flights of my life, just booting around the local area and shooting approaches to this cool little grass strip we have here on Cape Cod.

:wink: CJ
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Post by spikescopilot »

svanarts wrote:I was not able to fly today because of low scud. I respectfully request and answer from you why these clouds were in my area. I await your answer sir.
Because I said so. :evil:

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Post by spikescopilot »

Just a note to everyone -- except if an argument gets severely out of hand, I don't think we ever intend on deleting posts. And if we do, we would certainly notify the author. So if you stop by one day and notice a post gone with no comment from us, please don't think that we deleted it. As has been proven this week, harddrives fail and RAID is not a replacement for good backups. 99% of our stuff was backed up, but John was only taking database snapshots as he felt we needed them. That has sinced changed -- we are now taking a daily snapshot so if there should be problems in the future, we would lose at most 24 hours of posts.

Unfortunately, we're not perfect -- but we do try. :oops:

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Post by spikescopilot »

svanarts wrote:
svanarts wrote:I was not able to fly today because of low scud. I respectfully request and answer from you why these clouds were in my area. I await your answer sir.
Oh yes. I almost posting was complete and unadulterated
Take it easy on him -- there are some boards (I'm a member of a few) and email lists that just quietly delete posts and email that they don't agree with; so I can't fault him for wondering if that was the case. In his shoes, I may have as well -- who knows? :dunno:

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Post by bmurrish »

Just don't go posting flying squirrels
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Post by captain_john »



I resemble that comment!

:evil: CJ
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Post by svanarts »

cyphergirl wrote:
svanarts wrote:
svanarts wrote:I was not able to fly today because of low scud. I respectfully request and answer from you why these clouds were in my area. I await your answer sir.
Oh yes. I almost posting was complete and unadulterated
Take it easy on him -- there are some boards (I'm a member of a few) and email lists that just quietly delete posts and email that they don't agree with; so I can't fault him for wondering if that was the case. In his shoes, I may have as well -- who knows? :dunno:
I can't help it. Being a complete and total idiot, it's just part of my nature. And that was very naughty of you to put clouds in the sky. I'm shaking my finger at you from in front of my monitor, young lady.

Sorry. I'm punchy. It's been a long day. :yawn:

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Post by mustang »

OK You Guys!

I am sorry to be totally paranoid. I used to be on a Dirtbike forum that I put a lot of energy into. Anyway, after a year or so, the owner of the list got into a snit about some of the oldtimers (me, being mistakenly included) and deleted all our posts and removed us from the list without any warning whatsoever. Like we could no longer even log in???? Since we had built the Forum into what it was, we were slightly pissed to say the least. So once burned like that, I was troubled when my post "disappeared". It was like a "Flashback"!

Please accept my apologies Spike and Cybergal, and all you other good guys and girls. I promise to keep my paranoia in check, and Yes, the World is a friendly place.

Cheers, Pete
Peter Marshall
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Post by mustang »

Oh, and Scott!

The clouds were carefully vectored into your area because you have not yet painted your airplane. I respectfully request an answer as to why your cute little "4" has to put up with such cavalier treatment.

LOL, Pete
Peter Marshall
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Post by Spike »

No problemo buddy. Patti and I are here to have fun and make this place educational, no agendas, really, :)

mustang wrote:... I respectfully request an answer as to why your cute little "4" t....
Oh my, I think I am going to bust a gut on that one. :lmao: - Now integrating web and mail!
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Post by spikescopilot »

mustang wrote:Please accept my apologies Spike and Cybergal, and all you other good guys and girls. I promise to keep my paranoia in check, and Yes, the World is a friendly place.
No worries! :up:

Spike's Co-pilot (Just another blog)

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Post by mustang »

Spike and Patti,
I'd like to post some pics on the site but need yet another username and password.

Please send.
Peter Marshall
Newbie RV-8 builder.

You wanna draw, ....against the fastest rivet gun in the West??? LOL

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Post by DustinD »

Mustang: It is sad what happened to you at I always loved your posts.

To everyone else: I used to hang out there along with Mustang once apon a time. It is sad to see it more or less "gone" like that. I was absent during the period that it happened so I missed it completely.

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