Archer Antenna location

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Archer Antenna location

Post by captain_john »

Hey All and Thermos,

Thermos, last you were over we discussed the location of this little twanger.

I have a couple of options as I see it.

Location "A"


Location "B"


Each place has its benefits.

I see location "A" being better at "HIDING" the noise from the power wires leading to the strobe and nav lights.

I see location"B" being a better ground plane attach.

I guess option "C" would be somewhere in the middle and take advantage and compromise both qualities.

What do you guys think?


:? CJ
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Post by bullojm1 »


I stuffed my NAV antenna as far back as possible:


It works great!
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Post by captain_john »

Hmmmm... That is WAAAAY FAAAAAH BACK, Mikey!!!

Now I have an option "D"!!!

I am thinking that this is another one of those things people overthink and spend too much time on!

Maybe I have spent too much time on it already?


:) CJ
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Post by tmbg »

Doesn't Archer want you to actually route the strobe and nav power lines across the antenna in a very specific way? I remember reading that that was somewhat critical. You might not be doing yourself any favors by trying to do it differently...
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Post by captain_john »


Yes they do and I dont plan on deviating from that callout.

Both of these locations allow for that consideration.

:) CJ
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