Strobe wing root connection question

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Strobe wing root connection question

Post by RVNewsletter »

Let's say I want to run the three-wire shielded power cable from my Whelen power supply out to the wing -- which, of course, I do. Originally I was going to just coil up 15 feet of wire on the fuse until the wings are on and then run it out, connect it up and be done. But now I'm hearing that experimentals may no longer be allowed to make first flights at my home airport so when it comes time, I may have to take the wings off, cut the wires and reassemble at another airport. A true PITA.

So I figure I'll just make a wing root connection. My question: What do I do with the drain wire at that connection?

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Wicked Stick
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Post by Wicked Stick »

Do you have conduit running inside the wings ?
If so, just disconnect the wire at the tips and pull them back through the conduit and re-coil at the fuse.
Dave "WS" Rogers
RV-8 (125 hrs & counting)

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Post by jim_geo »

You should be able to get a one time variance for the first flight in order to get it to a more suitable location. Run that wire! Damn the torpedoes full speed ahead.

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