why I have never had a loose jam nut in 10 years?

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why I have never had a loose jam nut in 10 years?

Post by A2022 »

because I glue them with super glue at the threads. duh... high strength threadlock would also work. there is no downside to this procedure, and it improves safety by securing the jam nut.

Van's Aircraft needs to wake up and make this standard practice to have safer aircraft at virtually no added expense. mechanically, a jam nut alone is not sufficient at this location because a jam nut does not allow for bolt stretch to hold clamp and thread friction is lost. a jam nut is an archaic fastener system, and it can become loose between inspection intervals.

with all the discussion about loose control linkage jams nut over the years, Van's Aircraft has never properly addressed it.

jam nut service bulletin
https://www.vansaircraft.com/wp-content ... ection.pdf


Steve Melton
N531EM, RV9A, Superior O-320, WW 200RV prop, Slick mags, CHT 330F, EGT 1300F, B&C, 1300+ hours
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