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Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 6:44 pm
by bmurrish
Spike, this is awesome. It's cool to see the Chief Rivet Banger getting back into the building process. You're motivating me to get my butt back into the shop. Today was the first time in almost 4 days that I have seen the sun so I spent most of my time outside shoveling snow.

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 7:38 pm
by captain_john
Snow, huh?

We aren't gonna get any of that here east this year!


Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 9:13 pm
by svanarts
Here's my update on my holiday challenge. So far I've:

- primed the VS spars and ribs
- missed two days of work
- developed conjunctivitis in one eye
- mostly suffered from either a very bad cold or the flu

Not a whole lot has gotten done.

But.... !

God's blessings upon a fellow RV builder and Dr who has called in a prescription for some antibiotics so hopefully I'll be back in the shop soon.

I gotta get that man up in the air and buy him a lunch!

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 9:37 pm
by Spike
Thanx Bill. With the project at work in full swing under a deadline, and the holidays, its been really hard to get work done on the plane. It feels great to get some time to myself to work on it. And we just put the Cessna in for annual so I have nothing to fly. The medical expires on 1/1 anyway, so until my AME & I get things sqared away with the FAA Ill be grounded again. That will let me get some progress done on the RV. :mrgreen:

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 12:27 am
by papakeith
Well my project didn't advance too much this week.
So far I've managed to not bend any of the stiffener angles I wanted to.

I did get the work done on the barn that I wanted to.
Today I even put the loft door in on my garage. One more window and I'll almost be weather tight :)
The model is coming along too. But unless I get a few hours in tomorrow sometime it won't get done in time either.

So, all in all not too great. But I got my honey do list knocked down a bit which makes the Mrs. happy and that's good enough for me

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 2:55 pm
by captain_john
Deadline is here! Happy New Year!

Despite all adversity, I am declaring VICTORY!

...almost, anyways.

I just hammered the last rivet in my tailcone and have been fabbing up center section stuff now. The center section may be clecoed together this afternoon but, I am not rushing things. I am just happy to have made most of my goal!

Thanks to Thermos, Machine Inc. and others, the tailcone is complete!


:) CJ

How did you all do?

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 3:48 pm
by Ron
Happy New Year to all,

Well it looks like everyone is progressing nicely. I too had some time to get back in the shop this week, although i am not in the holiday challenge, I am still happy with the thing's that got done. I mounted the flaps to the wings to finsh them, then decided I would try to build rotating fuselage stands. It took the better part of two days to figure out, round up the parts and get it turning. They came out Great!! Under $150.00 and I think they are more stable and stronger than I have seen on the net. They are also adaptable to other aircraft. I will be posting a full materials list and dimensions on my website with a few pictures. If I knew how to post pics from my computer to a thread, I would ,but i just cant figure it out. Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions if you decide to build a set of these. Ron

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 6:07 pm
by cjensen
Well, my bathroom remodel is done, except the trim. Didn't get it purchased before they closed. Hopefully tomorrow I can get the trim bought and started. With that outta the way, and a fuse due any day now, I almost met my goal!

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 9:27 pm
by JohnR
Hey CJ, I have something just like that in my shop! :) Looks great!

Glad everyone is making progress. I've not got anything done on the plane. I had a busy week with work last week and both kids home from college. I planned on getting more work out of Luke but he and I both have had some kind of crud with a sore throat all week. Hopefully this week I'll get some stuff done. :roll:

Happy New Years to all!

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 9:30 pm
by captain_john
Uh ohhhh, John... That's the way it starts!

You both will be down for the count for the next 10 days!

:| CJ


Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 1:29 am
by RV9inIowa
I'm going to delcare victory... my plan was to have my spars completed, and they are! Also, about 66% of my ribs are deburred and I have tomorrow off work so I will get them all deburred, and (maybe) fluted!

I also drilled all the wiring conduit and snap bushing holes, which was fun

I love building!


Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 1:34 am
by jim_geo
Well here's my update. Got didly squat done in the last week. Did I plan to? Nope! Tomorrow the kid and I are going to Evergreen Museum to see the Spruce Goose and the new Tom Cat exhibit. So another day will go by with nothing done. Am I worried? Not in the least. :)

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 5:12 pm
by Spike
No need to be worried Jim, you are spanking us all.

As for me, I am declaring victory also, though I did not get the ribs riveted to the spar. I strained my Trapezia (sp?) muscle and its been having spasms, etc, hurting like h*ll. Ive been down for the count for 2 days, in bed all day today.

Seems like lots of us got bit by bugs and stuff.

Overall I do think our little challenge was a great success. Thanx guys!!

-- John

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 10:04 pm
by Wicked Stick
During the week before Christmas I finally got the front and rear throttle quadrants fitted and working.

Then I managed to get my Roll bar installed on New Years day. I had to spend a while persuading the weldment to fit better before drilling it into place. It's only a temporary install for now as it needs to come off again so I can get the fuse out the door of the cellar.


Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 11:16 am
by 4kilo
Looking good, WS. I see you decided on the fancy quadrant for the front. That looks so good, I might just have to send mine back.

Happy New Year,


Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 7:07 pm
by Wicked Stick
Thanks Pat,

Hows your project coming along ? What are you currently working on ?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 8:33 pm
by 4kilo
Unfortunately, I had to work over the holidays, so I don't have much of anything to report. Hopefully another couple of weeks will change that.
