RV-6A - aircraft down - OY-RVA

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RV-6A - aircraft down - OY-RVA

Post by A2022 »

well, a sea rescue. perhaps some acro 600 meters south of Glænø. she made it but was cold. when you think about it, it's not a bad place to practice because if you go down you don't impact anyone on the ground. just plop it in the water and get a free ride home. wingman circled over her until chopper arrived. my eldest daughter lives not far from there in Malmo, family of five, and is a Swedish citizen.


South Zealand and Lolland-Falster Police told Ritzau that the pilot suffered an engine failure and had to make an emergency landing on the water.

According to Ritzau, the incident happened 600 meters south of Glænø. And the plane had taken off from Roskilde Airport.

The pilot was in the air with another machine of the same type, as the RVs often fly in formation, says Jan Eliassen from Naviair.

- This allowed the other machine to stay in the area and keep an eye out, says Jan Eliasen.

He cannot comment on the cause of the plane crash, as the Accident Investigation Commission will probably investigate the course of events.

The Accident Investigation Board informs DR News that it has been informed about the incident, but it has no further comment on the next steps at this time.

The press officer at JRCC informs DR News that it is a female pilot who is doing well under the circumstances.

"The rescue team fished her out of the water, and of course she was cold, but she was fine and was flown to Rigshospitalet for treatment," he said.




Steve Melton
N531EM, RV9A, Superior O-320, WW 200RV prop, Slick mags, CHT 330F, EGT 1300F, B&C, 1200+ hours
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