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RV7A - ASN Report - N811WJ

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2025 10:16 am
by A2022
RV7A - ASN Report - N811WJ

well, it appears to be another nose over on a grass field. the small nose wheel on RVs is not designed for soft fields. sometimes it works, sometimes it does not, and you get a ride to the hospital.

A local pilot, William J. Near, was transported to the hospital by Marion County Fire Rescue after crashing at the Love Field, a private grass landing strip, the afternoon of Feb. 5, according to Marion County Sheriff Deputy on scene.

Records on file with the Marion County Property Appraiser’s office indicate Loves Landing HOA owns the grass airstrip.

Near was piloting an RV-7A experimental single-engine aircraft he built in 2007, according to records on file with the Federal Aviation Administration.

According to aviation accident and incident records filed with the National Transportation Safety Board, this is the first aviation accident in the State of Florida for 2025.
