Soloed. . . Again! A Pilot's Journey

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Soloed. . . Again! A Pilot's Journey

Post by papakeith »

This afternoon I soloed for the first time. . . again :)
A few weeks back I broke a year plus hiatus from my training. last week I got my solo endorsement back.:deal:

Today I flew my first solo hour in almost 1.5 years.

Too sweet.

The skies were threatening, it was 100 in the cockpit, and haze kept me in the pattern, but the air was pretty smooth. Plus, I was the sole occupant of the airplane :).

Around and around I went, with not one go around; although one landing was a bit long. Not reaaaaaly long, but a little bit.

The last one was a greaser!

I was smiling more from this solo than my first one I think! :mrgreen:

Life is good
Last edited by papakeith on Tue Jul 24, 2007 4:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by svanarts »

Atta way PK!

Congratulations for the second time then! :yay:
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Post by captain_john »

Way to go PK!

See you this weekend, WX permitting.

I am hoping to join you for the Strawberry Pancake fly in feast in Richmond, RI (08R)!!!

:) CJ
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Post by papakeith »

excellent, you coming in the chief?
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Post by captain_john »

I booked the Citabria for the morning. It turns into a pumpkin at noon, so I will be leaving KPYM early and likewise, 08R early. Just as well, I need to get back to the hangar to make it ready for fall!

I may have an open seat for someone under 200 lbs if anyone wants to join me.

I asked some people, but I am not sure if any of them can make it.

Hopefully the WX will hold out!

Looking forward to seeing you and Noah!

8) CJ
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Post by Spike »

Excellent PK. Now, dont quit again. Finish it up! - Now integrating web and mail!
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Post by cjensen »

Good on ya PK! Keep tallying those hours up, and get that ticket!

8) 8) :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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Post by dons »

Congrats PK, sounds like you won't need too much extra motivation to keep going other than remembering that feeling, cause it gets better.
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Post by papakeith »

I got another flight in yesterday. Slow flight, stalls, and of course trips around the pattern. I did have to do one go around when the pilot before me landed a bit long on 33 and needed to back taxi.

It was pretty busy in the pattern. It was fun keeping track of all of the comings an goings. It really demonstrates the need for position reports. Thankfully everyone did their parts.

Maybe I'll get lucky and get in the air again today. If not I've got a weekend of dirtbiking scheduled. Monday looks good too!
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Post by Wicked Stick »

Way to go on the solo ! Keep at it this time and finish off to private if you can. Best of luck on the journey that always keeps you learning and yearning.
Dave "WS" Rogers
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Post by Cherokee Driver »

Outstanding!! :good job:
I stopped flying after 13 years and picked up thing I ever did. Finish 'er up and it is yours forever! Keep us posted!

Cheers to you!! :drink:

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Post by papakeith »

I put in another 1.5 solo today. It was supposed to be a 1 hr flight but I was having too much fun.

Stalls, stalls, and more stalls today. That and steep turns. Then about 5 trips around the pattern to finish it off.

Too much fun. :mrgreen:

Thanks for the encouragement guys
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Post by papakeith »

More progress!

I got a dual X-country in yesterday. SFZ>42B>IJD and home again.

I booked this time earlier this week even though the weather report said it would be crappy out. I'm glad I did, the weather was great for a flight.

The clouds kept us at 3000 for the first leg of the trip. Of course I lost myself a couple of times, but I just held my course and looked for landmarks.

Goodspeed was a challenge for me. It's a short field 50 ft wide with water on one end. I did OK. :roll: It wasn't pretty, but I got it down in one piece.

Next was a short field take off over the river and bridge and off to Windham. Vx departures are fun. I know I'm not, but I always feel like I'm flying on the ragged edge of falling out of the sky.

I must be improving, because everything in the cockpit seems to be slowing down. I can actually think about things. Flying appears to be becoming "normal" to me. That, and when I compare the sectional to the ground I can actually make some sense of it.

the winds at Windham were 0207, and I had the choice between the superhighway that was 6/27 or the shorter 36/18. I took 36 with the displaced threshold(another first)

From Windham it was a short hop home, only two checkpoints needed; Danielson, and the Scituate Reservoir. I hit both just fine and had SFZ in my sights in short order.

I was tired, but I wasn't frazzled. My numbers, and my headings worked out just like they should. It was a good bit of learning. One more dual x-country, and I might just be let loose on my own :)

My next trip is going to be to ORE and ORH. Finally into the dreaded controlled airspace. Well, dreaded by me anyway. It's a familiarity thing. Once I do it a few times I'll realize it's no big deal, but until I get there I'll turn it into some monster in my brain. *shug* whatchagonnado? :oops:
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Post by captain_john »

Hahahaha, Dreaded Controlled Airspace!

I love it!

I think it is because you feel like someone is watching you and if you screw up, they will come down on you.

Relax... as you already know, it ain't no big deal.

Lemme know if you have any questions. I would be glad to help out!

:) CJ
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Post by Wicked Stick »

FANTASTIC report Keith,

Sounds like you are learning just fine... don't sweat the Class D stuff, just say it to yourself first, then say it to the controller once you got it right in your head. "Who you are", "Where you are", and "What you want to do".

Short and sweet is always best.
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Post by papakeith »

"Worcester Tower, I'm PK, I'm in an airplane, I want to get past you to get to orange. . . I'll be back to land where you are later, over"
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Post by papakeith »

John, I may take you up on the help. What I think will help most is driving up to Worcester and listening in on the tower frequency for a couple of hours.

I wonder if they are on live atc?
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Post by captain_john »

Keith, cool.

You don't have to drive all the way to ORH. Just listen in on Quonset. They all say the same things.

I imagine your school will want you to be on a flight plan. When you contact the next controlling agency, simply say "Boston, N123PK, level 3 thousand-5 hundred". They like it like that.

If you aren't yet at your cruising altitude you say something like, "Boston, N123PK, climbing through 2 thousand for 3 thousand-5 hundred".

They will reply with, "N123PK, squawk 3430". You dial it in and wait. Only press IDENT if told to do so. I also press it if I think they have forgotten me for one reason or another.

A minute will pass and they will say, "N123PK, radar contact 1 mile south of Hopedale, Norwood altimeter, 2993".

If it isn't busy I thank them for the numbers.

I think I have a Sporty's video on VFR Comms, if you wanna borrow it.

I can loan it to you after we get back from OSH, if you like.

I like talking on the radio and use the various airborne services regularly. I get in flight WX updates, flight following and clearance through Boston all the time. Many say that Boston doesn't like allowing VFR transits, but it is rare for me to be denied entry into Bravo. Dunno, maybe I sound like I fly better than I do!!!

:lol: CJ
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Post by dons »

Good going Keith, keep it up. I was the other way in training, my school was at a Class D airport, so going to the uncontrolled wild west was new for me.

I've only been in the Boston Class B once, quite some time ago. I was landing at Logan and was vectored several miles, yes several miles, out over the ocean before they told me to follow a DC-9 back in. I was having way too much fun watching all the traffic to worry about being beyond gliding distance, it was one busy little airport that day. Leaving the next day wasn't much better, we must have sat on the taxiway for about 45 minutes waiting to be allowed onto a runway.
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Post by captain_john »

Boston can be busy. I have flown in at least 4 or 5 times for Angel Flights.

I like the part when they say, "Piper 63N, can you maintain 135 Knots while on final"?

I say, "Affirm, 63N"!

Too bad that still makes me a bottom feeder. They usually slide me in between some heavy metal doing 150 knots or so.

:cry: CJ
Garmin G3X with VP-X & a TMX-IO-360 with G3i
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